
Welcome to the Washington DC Branch of American Association of University Women (AAUWDC). We are glad you are here.  Click here to read the President’s Message.

Follow the links below to learn more about specific branch activities:

To subscribe to our mailings, click this link


Annual Open House/Membership Drive – August 29, 2024
Save the Date – Thursday, August 29, 2024 for our Annual Open House at Busboys & Poets on K Street NW.  Open to everyone! Register here: https://aauwdcbranchopenhouse2024.eventbrite.com

DATE: Thursday, August 29, 2024

TIME: 6:00pm-9:30pm

LOCATION: Busboys & Poets – 450 K Street NW (Giovanni Reading Room)

METRO: Gallery Place-Chinatown 10 min walk

PARKING: Street Parking

COST: Free for Members


Branch Meeting & Open House Details
Networking & Registration
Welcome & Introductions
AAUW-DC Branch Introduction
Special Guest Speaker -TBD
Branch Meeting – Legislative Updates from Lobby Corps
Update from president
Open discussion & Q/A

Please RSVP no later than August 26, 2024. We want to have badges and need a head count for food. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to ask. Working together is the key to a successful branch.

Members/Nonmembers, you can renew/join during the branch meeting. Looking forward to see all of you in person.

Atlantic Regional Conference – September 27th-29th, 2024
Location: Virginia Crossings Hotel & Conference Center – 1000 Virginia Center Pkwy, Glen Allen, VA 23059
Plenary Speaker: Lisa Maatz served as director of public policy and government relations for AAUW from 2003-2017. As the organization’s top policy advisor, Maatz lobbied on Capitol Hill and in the White House. She has done similar work for the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund and the Older Women’s League, and was a legislative aide to U.S. Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (DNY). Ms. Maatz’s honors include the Women’s Information Network’s Young Woman of Achievement Award and the Mentor Award from the Public Leadership Education Network. Maatz has also received a mayoral appointment to the Washington, DC Commission on Women. Ms. Maatz is currently an independent consultant.

Included in the sessions are presentations by Gloria Blackwell, AAUW CEO, and Meghan Kissell, AAUW Senior Director of Policy and Member Advocacy. Other knowledgeable speakers will discuss the challenges of our public schools, artificial intelligence, poverty, voting rights, inclusion, Title IX and the compelling history of AAUW. Share with and learn from members from other states about successful AAUW projects and ideas for your branch. You may wish to make the event a vacation given all the historical, arts, and outside activities in the area of the Conference, the beauty of the resort location, the quality of our speakers, and the opportunity to network with members from other states. Click here for registration information.

The Conference is selling AAUW merchandise. Click here to learn more. Deadline for Orders is September 29, 2024

Annual Holiday Party – December 7, 2024 12:30pm – 2:30pm
For more information – contact Kim Webster, MBA at aauwdcbranchpresident@outlook.com



Annual Open House/Membership Drive  – August 23, 2023 
Save the Date – Wednesday, August 23, 2023 for our Annual Open House at Busboys & Poets on K Street NW.  Additional details to follow.    Open to everyone! Register here: https://AAUWDCBRANCHOPENHOUSE.eventbrite.com 

SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: Barbara Zia – President, League of Women Voters – DC               SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: Meghan Kissell, Senior Director, Policy & Member Advocacy, AAUW National

Annual Holiday Party – December 2, 2023
SAVE THE DATE:  December 2, 2023.  I will host the Annual Holiday Party for the branch in coordination with a local nonprofit organization.  Additional information to come. Open to everyone!

Member Led Networking Event – March 19, 2023 (POSTPONED) 
What:        Meet up at Busboys and Poets for a Sunday brunch, and afterwards, cross the street                     and tour the newly installed DC Hall of Fame-Walk of Fame with our own member                         Toby Horn.

Where:        450 K Street NW

When:         12 noon

What else:    Enjoy the company of our wonderful members and potential members and have                            some lively discussion.

Please RSVP to seenabryan@yahoo.com.  Open to everyone!

Strategic Planning Meeting – March 25, 2023
To ensure that we are utilize our time effectively, we will break up the strategic planning discussion by focus areas led by a facilitator and the program chair for that focus area.  During this meeting we will develop goals, objectives, and an action plan for our branch’s STEM education outreach activities.  The following are the logistics for the meeting.  MEMBERS ONLY

Member Lead Networking Event:  US Capital Visit – April 19, 2023
JoAnn has reserved a time slot for our members to visit the new Mary McLeod Bethune new statue at the US Capitol on April 19 at 12:50pm. This is the first Black American statue in the National Statuary Hall collection.   We have 15 passes available for branch members and their family/friends.  If you are interested in attending please RSVP to JoAnn (joanncsamuel@msn.com) and cc Harriet (harrietmadan@gmail.com).  Once you RSVP, additional information (meet up location, etc.) will be sent to you directly.   Thank you, JoAnn, for taking the lead on this event for our branch.  Check out the pictures here. 

Book Club Discussions – Monthly
The book club discussions will continue via Zoom as scheduled.  If you have questions or would like to be added to the book group mailing list, contact Kate at kathrynawilliams@gmail.com. Meetings are generally on the first Tuesday of the month.  Also, book club membership is open to everyone – you don’t have to be a member to join.


Join us on June 16th at 7:00pm for a Zoom call with Anne Anderson, Chair, League of Women’s Voters DC (LWVDC) Committee for Full Rights for DC Citizens to discuss what this means for the residents of DC as well as next steps.  Please share this link with anyone who wants to learn more about what it means to be the 51st state.  Learn more.


In honor of Juneteeth and to celebration the new federal holiday, we are replaying the Race & Gender discussions we had in 2020.  We are proud of the fact that our branch was responsible for racially integrating AAUW in 1954, thanks to the leadership of Alice Cole and Mary Church Terrell. The decision split the branch in two and probably other branches as well, but it made the AAUW a leader in racial equality as well as gender equality. As the result, our board approved the Race and Gender discussions that took place between June and November 2020.  Watch the recordings.