Branch Programs


Annual Open House/Membership Drive – August 23, 2023
Save the Date – Wednesday, August 23, 2023 for our Annual Open House at Busboys & Poets on K Street NW. Additional details to follow. Open to everyone!  RSVP to

Annual Holiday Party – December 2, 2023
SAVE THE DATE: December 2, 2023. I will host the Annual Holiday Party for the branch in coordination with a local nonprofit organization. Additional information to come. Open to everyone!  RSVP to

Book Club Discussions – Monthly
The book club discussions will continue via Zoom as scheduled. If you have questions or would like to be added to the book group mailing list, contact Kate at Meetings are generally on the first Tuesday of the month. Also, book club membership is open to everyone – you don’t have to be a member to join.


Strategic Planning Meeting – March 25, 2023
To ensure that we are utilize our time effectively, we will break up the strategic planning discussion by focus areas led by a facilitator and the program chair for that focus area.  During this meeting we will develop goals, objectives, and an action plan for our branch’s STEM education outreach activities.  The following are the logistics for the meeting.

Location:  tbd

Time:  tbd

Since lunch is being served, please RSVP no later than March 20 at

Member Lead Networking Event:  US Capital Visit – April 19, 2023
JoAnn has reserved a time slot for our members to visit the new Mary McLeod Bethune new statue at the US Capitol on April 19 at 12:50pm. This is the first Black American statue in the National Statuary Hall collection.   We have 15 passes available for branch members and their family/friends.  If you are interested in attending please RSVP to JoAnn ( and cc Harriet (  Once you RSVP, additional information (meet up location, etc.) will be sent to you directly.   Thank you, JoAnn, for taking the lead on this event for our branch.





On January 4, 2021, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton introduced H.R.51-Washington DC Admission Act that would grant DC statehood. The bill passed the House. It is now in the Senate’s hands to decide if DC will become a state. The next Senate briefing on this bill is June 22. Join us on June 16th at 7:00pm for a Zoom call with Anne Anderson, Chair, League of Women’s Voters DC (LWVDC) Committee for Full Rights for DC Citizens to discuss what this means for the residents of DC as well as next steps.

Click here to get the Zoom information


We are proud of the fact that our branch was responsible for racially integrating AAUW in 1954, thanks to the leadership of Alice Cole and Mary Church Terrell. The decision split the branch in two and probably other branches as well, but it made the AAUW a leader in racial equality as well as gender equality. As the result, our board approved the Race and Gender discussions that took place between June and November 2020. These discussions garnered hundreds of viewers from all over the US including AAUW national headquarter staff. Thank you to the branch members who participated in the discussions – without your support, we would not have been successful. To date, I still receive emails asking if we are going to continue the discussions. This is a true testament that these discussions are not only needed but timely. We will formally replay each session during the anniversary month of their original air date in 2021.

Click here to see the discussions